Notice: Undefined variable: ub in
/home/beautymind_old/html/config/function.php on line
Notice: Undefined variable: ub in
/home/beautymind_old/html/config/function.php on line
Deprecated: strripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in
/home/beautymind_old/html/config/function.php on line
부산진구정신건강복지센터 및 부설 청춘소설 행정요원 채용 합격자 발표
작성자 부산진구정신건강복지센터
작성일 2024.06.21 13:10
조회 1,055
아래와 같이 최종합격자 발표합니다.
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행정요원 : 류*현(9311)